What is SmartRM?
A system that controls who can use your files, and how.
Why use SmartRM?
Ensure your work doesn’t get into the wrong hands.
How do I use SmartRM?
It’s easy! Just three simple steps.
Where can I use SmartRM?
On all your PCs, at home, at work, on your travels.
How does SmartRM work?
SmartRM encrypts the file and licenses only the people you choose.
What is SmartRM?
SmartRM is a simple system that helps you make sure people will only use your work in the way you intend. For example:- You're an entrepreneur and you want to share business ideas with a potential partner. You’d like to make sure those ideas stay between the two of you. SmartRM can help.
- You run an R&D department and your project plans must stay strictly confidential. But you need to send sensitive documents to manufacturing partners from time to time. SmartRM makes it safe, and simple.
- You're in charge of a Human Resources department and there are talks of restructuring. You'd like to make sure information doesn't leak out before you're ready. The answer? SmartRM.
- You’re a musician and you’d like to share your idea for a song with a potential collaborator. You don’t want then to run away with your idea. What can you do? Use SmartRM!
SmartRM works in a similar way to software known as digital rights management (DRM), enterprise rights management (ERM) or information rights management (IRM) systems.
SmartRM supports sharing by making sure that important files you send to people won’t get into the wrong hands.
Until now, the software that does this job has been extremely expensive and complex to set up. It needs a big budget and an IT department. Sharing with people outside the organization involves time-consuming installations. It’s only been an option for huge corporations.
SmartRM is different. It brings the power of secure sharing to small businesses and individuals, creatives and entrepreneurs, home users and professionals.
SmartRM makes it easy. And it’s free.
You can use SmartRM to protect PDF and image (png, jpeg, gif ...) files. Audio and video formats comming soon.
Share smart. Share safe with SmartRM.
Why use SmartRM?
Sometimes it’s important for you to have control over the information you share with people. Although you can trust the person you are dealing with, can you be sure your files won’t end up in the wrong hands? Can someone pass them to a third party? Even if there’s no intention to cause harm, this could seriously hurt your interests.You can protect yourself using SmartRM.
SmartRM lets you:
- Specify who can open your files
- Decide how your files can be used
- Decide for how long or how many times they can be opened
- Decide if other people may ask you for permission to use them
- Manage your shared files: see who accessed them and when
- Edit your settings: even after sharing them, you can restrict access, or deny access altogether
Here’s a story that illustrates how it can work in a real-life situation.
Bob runs a technology startup and is looking for funding. From time to time, he connects with potential investors.The process of negotiating with investors can be long and fraught. People need a lot of information to decide whether the investment is sound. Bob would prefer that most of that information didn’t get into the public domain just yet. And he doesn’t have the kind of set-up that makes a professional data room an option.
Of course, before exchanging any information, Bob signs an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) with his counterpart. This obliges the other party to treat all information he gives them as confidential and proprietary.
However, if negotiations fall through (which is likely in the search for the right partner), what happens to the business plans and financial statements Bob has shared?
Bob can protect himself by revoking access to the documents. All he has to do is change the licence for that file in the user-friendly SmartRM web interface.
By using SmartRM, he’s already ensured that no-one can print or copy the files, and only named people can open them.
SmartRM adds an extra level of protection. You can share your sensitive documents without feeling you are losing control of them forever.
How do I use SmartRM?
After installing, protecting your file is a simple 3-click operation:Step 1: Right click on the file you want to protect
Choose “Protect with SmartRM”.Step 2: Choose your recipients
Start typing their names or email addresses. If they are already registered you can pick them from a list. If they are not, they’ll be sent an invitation.Step 3: Click “Protect”
A file with the same name as the original, but with the extension .mp21 will be created in the same place.
Your file is now protected. You can share it freely, and remember:
- You can share the file any way you like: mail, Dropbox, Skype, USB stick, or even burn it on a CD and send it via good old snail mail.
- Only people you have given permission will be able to open the file.
- If you change your mind later, through the SmartRM site you can change or revoke permissions or add new recipients any time. Effective immediately!
Where can I use SmartRM?
You can install SmartRM on as many devices as you like. At home, in the office, on your laptop...It’s compatible with Dropbox, perfect for when you’re on the move.
At meetings, conferences and business trips. Wherever in the world you are.
Simply download the SmartRM software on each device. Follow the simple steps to register it to your account. And you’re away! SmartRM is Windows only for now, but Mac and Linux versions are coming soon.
How does it work?
Files that you protect using SmartRM are encrypted and enclosed in the MPEG-21 file format. MPEG-21 allows you as the owner of a file to decide who can use the file, and in what way.
SmartRM compares information about the person trying to use the file with the rules you have set for the document. It only allows people you have authorised to use the files in the way you specify.
If there is a mismatch, you decide what happens. Will you invite people to ask you for permission to use the file? Or will they simply be informed that they are denied access? You can decide on a case-by-case basis. It's that flexible.
File formats covered
DocumentsSmartRM enables you to safely share PDF documents containing text and/or images.
Audio and Video Files (coming soon)
SmartRM can protect a wide range of audio and video files, including the popular .mp3, .mp4, .avi and .mov file formats.
Images (coming soon)
Think scans. SmartRM covers most of the common image types: .jpeg, gif, png, ....
Operating systems
SmartRM is currently in the Beta phase and at the moment is currently compatible with Windows (32 and 64-bit systems, including XP, Vista and Windows 7).We are working on rolling out versions for OS X (Mac computers) and Linux.